Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Really Really Good Excuse for Procrastinating

     Things are heating up around our house as I'm trying to prepare for knee surgery. I'm not finding a lot of spare time for extras while waiting as I'm suddenly loaded with a number of unexpected responsibilities. One of the grandsons is spending time here each day and requires supervision so I'm more confined than I had intended to be at this point and I'm never ever going to get caught up with the housework and necessary errands before the deadline.
      School will be out soon and then there will be others around too. The college student is home so things are really going to town now but that's ok as I'm certainly enjoying her presence.
     I've just finished a two week regimen of anti-biotics to I won't have to deal with any infections lurking in the shadows. I spent all day Monday at doctor's offices and hospital pre-admittance sessions, getting poked and pried and questioned until I thought my head would pop (not to mention various and sundry parts of my poor abused body). I wonder how people ever managed to have surgery done before they came up with all of this "necessary" stuff to do before you're even admitted into hospital?
     And I'm waiting on the galleys of the Trash to Treasure book to get here so I can go over it and send it back to Lou before the deadline. Naturally, she is loaded with responsibilities also so there you are. (I must not even allow myself to think of the MFS conference in the, no, no.)
      All of this is so my few readers can understand that I will not be writing for awhile. Please keep checking in and as soon as I'm up to it or find a few minutes I will post a note or two...who knows? I may even get a chance to do another short one BEFORE the surgery, which is on the 25 of May.
     Anyway, wish me luck. I don't expect any problems at all. I've already had the right knee replaced (in November last year) with no difficulties so I'm not planning for any this time either. Give me six or eight weeks after the operation and I'll be running around all over the place again, flapping like a rooster who has just been decapitated.
     So...keep your fingers crossed.